
Welcome, Eagles! Contrary to popular belief, UGBC does have a website, and we're glad you found it. This is a space where you can access information about each of our divisions and their Vice Presidents, our budgets and financial records, Student Assembly votes and resolutions, and updates on our activity from our social media and calendars. We're also working on an official UGBC app to streamline all of those features. We hope the website serves as a starting point for conversations on how we can best live out our mission to amplify the student voices that need it most, whether in conversations with the administration or in our events and initiatives around campus. As part of our push to make sure the undergraduate government is as deeply connected to the student body as possible, please reach out to any of our Executive Council members or advisors listed here. If there's an issue you care about or a complaint you'd like to voice, let us know. You can find our office hours here as well. Stop by to visit the UGBC office in Carney 106!

--Reed & Ignacio--