Your Participation Counts

Student Assembly

Message from  Executive Vice President


The Student Assembly (SA) is the legislative branch of UGBC, and consists of 40 elected senators representing each class, school, and student organization cohort (category), as well as the AHANA+ Leadership Council (ALC) and the GLBTQ+ Leadership Council (GLC). The SA focuses primarily on student advocacy and policy work: it is the job of the SA to voice student concerns and work to implement new policies that benefit the student body.

The SA contains seven standing committees that focus on particular policy areas. Both senators and ex-officio (unelected) members serve on these committees. For the 2018-2019 academic year, three of the standing committees will serve as joint committees with Student Initiatives (SI), and will work to develop both policy and programming initiatives that benefit the student body.

Student Assembly Resolution Interest

Do you have an idea for a resolution to address an issue? Please fill out the Student Assembly Resolution Interest Form to be put into contact with a Student Assembly member to assess the possibility of bringing your resolution to a vote before the Student Assembly. The member with who you are paired will work with you through the writing, presenting, and meeting associated with creating and attempting to pass a resolution.

Student Assembly Facebook

Want to learn more about the Student Assembly, what happens at meetings, and how voting occurs?

Visit the UGBC Facebook page to learn about exciting developments, watch Student Assembly meetings on Facebook Live, and more!

Hi everyone! One of my duties as Executive Vice President, is to preside over the Student Assembly on UGBC. My main goal is to empower the 40 senators to perform their best job as advocates for every student at Boston College. Some of our projects that we will be carrying on during the year will be Senators in Residence Halls, where you will see the contact info of your senators on your residence. Additionally, we will be carrying out surveys each week to gather your feedback on certain issues and initiatives that will allow us to work in a more efficient and effective way. These and more methods we are implementing this year are focused on doing more outreach as an organization. We want the voice of everyone to be heard!

Ignacio Fletcher

Carney 106

In an effort to increase transparancy, please take a moment to view the Student Assembly Standing Rules.

We represent and serve the interests of the undergraduate student body at Boston College and act as the voice of this body in the Boston College Community. We strive to accurately represent the needs of the undergraduate student body, and facilitate strong associations between undergraduate students and the Boston College Community by acting as advocates for the student voice and involvement, and by serving as liaisons between students and the Boston College Administration.

We provide undergraduate students with advocacy, educational, cultural, and social experiences and opportunities that are not necessarily available in the traditional classroom environment. The programs, events, information, and networking opportunities we provide enrich the experience of being a student at Boston College. We promote the availability of these experiences by providing guidance and resources to the entire undergraduate student population.

The Student Assembly of the Undergraduate Government of Boston College works to provide opportunities to students that positively impact their experiences as students at Boston College. In accomplishing this goal, we are cognizant of the source of our funding and act to benefit the student body with the most efficient and effective allocation of their resources.

Student Assembly Mission Statement & Standing Rules